Hey All You Poets–Poetry Challenge #1

Listen to bukowski’s bluebird again (scroll down), then write a poem, prose poem or flash fiction piece. Then send it to me at scotyoungpoetry@gmail.com and I will post it. Questions? Then, start writing. šŸ™‚
(Please include a third person bio (30-50 words)

16 Responses to Hey All You Poets–Poetry Challenge #1

  1. kimtblogger says:

    thanks for the challenge… hadn’t written anything today and it gave me motivation to write something about my own bluebirds….

  2. Scot says:

    run with this

  3. Alexa Cohen says:

    Thanks for the tip and for the challenge, Scott.

    I’ll give it a try.

  4. Scot says:


  5. johemmant says:

    Yeah, me too, when I get five minutes to breathe *grin*

  6. Scot says:

    Thanks Jo–I am doing this for the auditory learners

  7. David Rheins says:

    Ah, a sensitive Bukowski poem. I accept the challenge!

  8. Sent you a flash fic piece, Scot; in fact, it’s a new “Everything Stuck To Him” (Ray) piece.

  9. Julie says:

    Great idea, Scot. I’m trying. So far, it’s too bad to show anyone. But it will lead to something, I’m sure. I love stuff like this. Thank you!

  10. Scot says:

    Thanks David–got the poem

  11. Scot says:

    Cool Thanks!

  12. Scot says:

    Thanks Julie–No sweat–I know it will

  13. Hello Scot:

    I just sent you a poem for the challenge.



  14. …how did i get here.. i do not know but glad i found here… have always enjoyed bukowski.. was just talkin abt him the other day… great prompt.. is there still time to join in…

  15. Scot says:

    one more–always time
    I have another to post tomorrow night–after the two that are up–listen to it and come up with something–include a third person bio, maybe a link. And check out the back entries if you have time. I have some more interviews coming up–a good one on Winans and book reviews in the works from some underground poets…

  16. […] Bukowski, New Orleans, poem, Poetry trackback This is my answer to the poetry challenge posted by Be Not Inhospitable to Strangers to write something in response to Charles Bukowski’s Bluebird. (Cross posted from Poems […]

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